Seniors at the VAC
Our goal is to provide as many free or low cost activities to our seniors as possible.
Participating Municipality Seniors (60+) will pay a reduced rate for classes. If you live in the following municipalities you are a Participating Senior:
Blue Lake Township, City of Whitehall, Fruitland Township and White River Township.
For more information about any of our classes or activities please contact:
Sydney Stine at (231) 893-1070 or
You may also register for classes and activities here: WLACE Registration Page
Here are our offerings. Check back often as we are adding classes on a regular basis:
- Walking track at the VAC
- Chair Volleyball
- Pickleball
- Gentle Yoga
- Energize
- Cardio Drumming
- Parmenter Law and Elder Law Service
- Weight Room
- Golf Room
- Tai Chi
- Line Dancing